MCIC will begin accepting membership applications later in 2025. Our goal is to sign up 2000+ owners and investors  who are committed to working together democratically to ensure that Moscow remains welcoming, inclusive, and culturally vibrant for generations to come.  

Become an Owner

MCIC ownership will be open to all residents of Latah County. Becoming an owner involves completing an application and purchasing an Ownership Share for $1,000. All owners are entitled to one vote and the opportunity to actively participate in the life of the cooperative, including by:

  • Electing members to serve on the Board of Directors
  • Voting directly on key decisions brought to membership
  • Serving on committees and running for a Board seat
  • Attending and organizing member meetings and events
  • Recruiting new MCIC owners, investors, and business tenants

Make an Investment

Investment Shares are non-voting, dividend-bearing preferred stock that can be purchased by any Idaho resident or organization interested in supporting the cooperative’s mission. MCIC will make Investment Shares available to engage values-aligned investors from within and beyond our membership and to eliminate the need to borrow from banks and other financial institutions.

We will offer Investment Shares at multiple cost levels to suit the varying means and desired returns of prospective investors. Investment Shares are time-limited offerings that will be announced by the MCIC Board of Directors as they become available.

Please complete the pledge form if you believe that local properties should be owned and controlled by the people who live here and intend to participate as an owner or investor. Submitting the pledge form does not obligate you to invest. 

Once the co-op incorporates, MCIC will contact all of those who pledged with instructions for applying for membership and making their foundational investment. The co-op’s Board of Directors, meanwhile, will announce membership and capitalization goals and communicate its target timeline for making an initial property purchase once those goals are achieved.